986 300 823 - 649381151 info@dentalbalea.com

Means of Diagnosis and clinical Devices

Latest technology at the service of Dental Health

We want to keep up with technology. We invest in advanced training; and therefore we have the latest technology in the dental sector.We are committed to LASER Treatments.





Dental Microscope

It allows you to distinguish details, carry out more detailed work and clinical safety. It is useful not only for endodontic treatment, where canals can be located, but also in surgery, dental aesthetics and surgery. Magnification allows more precision in our work.



Digital radiography (R.V.G)

We are committed to digital radiographic systems and this is good for the patient because it reduces the radiation dose to a minimum, it is good for us, because we have better images immediately that we can contrast, mock up, magnify …

Erbium & diodo Lasers


It is the means that allows us to make a great difference in the treatments we carry out, both in fillings without anaesthesia and in all fields of dentistry, allowing for better, more effective and painless treatments.

Ultrasonic Surgery


In Vilariño Dental Clinics we use piezoelectric systems (ULTARASONIC SURGERY), avoiding injuries to soft tissue;protecting gum and all the surrounding tissues, as well as other tissues such as nerves and blood vessels.  This leads to better postoperative phase, fewer side effects, more patient comfort, and less recovery time.

Digital radiology




Teleradiography, or lateral cranial radiography, as well as orthopantomography, or panoramic radiography, is necessary for the planning and study of orthodontic treatments. Without this instrument it is impossible to locate the cephalometric study points to evaluate the prognosis and assessment of orthodontic studies, as well as to determine the permeability of the airways, the occupation of the maxillary sinuses, malocclusion or even the positioning of wisdom teeth. The panoramic allows us to make a first approach to treatment.


planificacion implantes

It allows for better planning of surgeries, especially wisdom tooth surgeries. 3D vision and slice tomography allow us to perform better quality surgeries and postoperative procedures. Surgical times are reduced and help the patient to have a better and faster evolution. Indispensable in implantology, both for planning and for making surgical splints.


Surgical & Radiological splints 


The result of the application of the latest generation of diagnostic resources. The availability of technology such as CBCT, the export of files to the laboratory without any loss of information and absolute reliability, allows us to make the best splints for surgical use as well as in orthodontics, occlusion treatments and joint pathology.


Intraoral Scanner


This type of visualisation is very important nowadays in our clinic, it helps us to understand the dental structures and mucosal support, allowing bite analysis and occlusal forces, distribution of loads on teeth and planning not only of orthodontic splints, more precise meuromuscular relaxation splints, avoiding the removal of physical bite models and surgical splints, but also the digitalisation of our work for immediate sending to the laboratory, as well as communication with our clinic’s collaborators.

tania-bouzon-corral-fotografia-reportaje-clinica-dental-balea_017We like the post-operative comfort of our patients; this taken into account, we chose to perform minimum invasive surgeries depending upon the condition of each case. We use innovative and modern techniques, shortening the time of interventions, to achieve a predictable and comfortable patient condition.


A Minimal Invasive Surgery


Ultrasonic Surgery


Piezoelectric Cautery Surgery

We are a certified laser treatment clinic.

All our medical radiodiagnostic systems are supervised, controlled and tested by an external company authorised by the Nuclear Safety Council on an annual basis, controlling at all times that both their use and the levels of radiation.

Dr. Vilariño, as the director of these facilities, is also authorised by the Nuclear Safety Council to manage and manipulate these facilities with the greatest guarantees not only for our patients but also for the staff of our clinics.


We are your trusted dentist